Astrology Services
Horoscope Matching
One of the many wonderful tools Vedic astrology has given us is "Horoscope Matching". Ancient seers devised an astrological method to help people choose the right partner. This involves a process of matching of the horoscopes of prospective bride and groom before getting them married. The following program takes particulars of the boy and the girl and then creates a score based on eight different parameter’s. Boy and girl getting a score of 17 + out of maximum possible 36 is considered a good match.
Our astrologers will provide you an in-depth Horoscope Compatibility Analysis, superior to the KundliGuna Match report to give you the confidence to make the next step. After all, the Gun Milan is an over-simplification - the match may yet be approved / disapproved or problems / happiness identified through advanced Horoscope Compatibility considering the present and future Dasha's of the two individuals. Manglik individuals may well be approved for non-Mangliks. Their individual horoscopes and futures considered without making them just a number!
This Horoscope Compatibility Report will hence provide you advanced matching information like:
- Highlights of your Individual Horoscopes
- Current Dasha that both of you are going through
- Horoscope Compatibility as related to Longevity and Health
- Horoscope Compatibility as related to the Nature of two for marriage compatibility
- Horoscope Compatibility as related to your Profession after marriage
- Horoscope Compatibility as related to your Children (Progeny) for marriage compatibility
- Answer to Your Specific Question
- Appendix with horoscope matching information like
- Planet and Rashi Detail
- Planet's Position at Birth Time
- Past, Present and Future Dasha
- Gun Milan (Guna - Dosh Matching Table, Manglik Status)
- Related Horoscope Charts - Lagna Chart, Bhava (Chalit), Navamsa, Moon Rasi
Additionally, this marriage compatibility report is created by our astrologers by hand (though for accuracy, charts in appendix are made using software). The interpretation of the horoscope matching is the most important part of horoscope compatibility and this is indeed done by our highly-experienced astrologers. Finally, if you still have follow-up questions after the report, you can email or call us to get the answers. We pride ourselves on our customer support and you will be pleased by the attention we give you.